One of the biggest headaches that PC users must contend with is updating all of their software when they make the move to a new operating system. Eventually, everyone needs to migrate to a newer OS as older versions will become outdated and lose vendor support. Microsoft’s recent efforts to phase out Windows XP are a great example of this. Anyone who continues to rely on XP will have to cope with vulnerabilities and other coding issues without the assistance of the OS’s creator. As such, many Windows users have moved on to the platform’s latest iteration, 8.1.

Windows 8 and its subsequent update – Windows 8.1 present a notable shift from older platforms. While Windows 7 was essentially XP with a face lift, Windows 8 has been designed with future user preferences in mind. Specifically, Microsoft designed its latest OS to work seamlessly and effortlessly on tablets and other mobile devices. By bridging the gap between traditional PC systems and mobile layouts, Windows 8 is a wholly distinct OS. That means that consumers need to take care that their software is compatible with this latest PC platform. There’s arguably nothing more frustrating than investing in an application that won’t even run on the most current hardware.

Archiving data on Windows 8
One area that consumers should take particular note of is data archiving software. PC users don’t want to run the risk of being left in the cold when their outdated product fails to back up one-of-a-kind documents and files. Data loss can happen in the blink of an eye and without warning, so having an effective tool in place should be a primary concern. As an industry-leader in this field, DIGISTOR is always on the forefront of the latest data archiving solutions. Our REWIND software enables Windows users to back up their important photos, videos and other files with ease. Because REWIND is compatible with Windows 8.1, consumers don’t need to worry about losing functionality when making the jump to the latest PC platform.

Getting the most out of REWIND is easy as pie. All you need is a Blu-ray burner and discs to get started on archiving your collection of irreplaceable information and documents. REWIND has been designed to eliminate any potential headaches, providing consumers with the most user-friendly data archiving software on the market. Navigating the REWIND interface is a breeze, helping individuals avoid any missteps that could derail the backup process. Any Windows 8 users who want the peace of mind knowing their most important files are securely archived should download the free REWIND trial and see what all the fuss is about.


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