Gamers choose optical discs over digital media
Optical discs have been under fire since the outset of this current video gamer generation. Digital media has continually infiltrated the gaming sphere, with more companies distributing content through Internet-based channels. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have all...
Securely store Bitcoin currency with offline Blu-ray media
Bitcoin has quickly transformed from an online curiosity to a major form of digital currency. The idea of a form of currency that lacked the backing of a government treasury would seem implausible just a few years ago. But, today, Bitcoin has become a viable method of...
How to use an external hard drive with PS3
Today’s video game systems are leaps and bounds ahead of their progenitors, offering an array of high-tech features that would have been unthinkable just a decade ago. In addition to high-definition graphics and incredible AI, recent platforms such as the...
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