Securing Data at Rest
Physical storage: The only real way to keep data secure
The recent, game-changing revelation of the National Security Agency’s surveillance initiatives, including its comprehensive PRISM program, have rekindled concerns about the safety of data that passes over the Internet and is stored in cloud services.
The importance of archiving professional video
Organizations and professionals concerned with the continuing integrity of their video files should invest in data archiving solutions.
Back up aging hardware with a DIGISTOR PlayStation 3 external hard drive
As the PlayStation 3 continues to age and Sony focuses on its successor, gamers will increasingly need reliable backup solutions to ensure they have access to their treasured media files.
The benefits of SSD drives in industry, part 2
With a customized DIGISTOR Industrial SSD, businesses can fine-tune fast, stable flash storage drives to specific business requirements.
Make the most of wedding video with SSDs, archiving solutions
Wedding videography is a steadily growing field, with promising growth prospects in the near term. Robust consumer demand for high quality video means that videographers must be diligent about how they shoot, store and backup their footage.
How storage media is keeping pace with video surveillance data
Almost by definition, video surveillance systems require a tremendous amount of accompanying storage.
The benefits of SSD drives in industry, part 1
For enterprises in industries like aerospace, medical care and data center operation, reliable, versatile storage is essential.
Archive tools, SSDs ideal for video and data storage
After recording uncompressed footage, videographers may end up working with numerous custom files, encoded in various codecs and containers via their editing software. As such, it is important for them to make regular, comprehensive backups that preserve the originals, as well as the different versions for possible usage later on.
A closer look at video codecs and containers
When using an SSD for video capture, a videographer may often work with a variety of different video formats, so it is key to know the differences between them, and what their implications are for writing to storage.